Wellness rituals to try this summer


Rituels bien-être à tester cet été

Your best ally is you!

I'm not talking about how to think about renewing your sunscreen or how many times to exfoliate your skin each week. No, I'm talking about taking care of your ENTIRE self.

I suggest these few gestures because I have tried them, they have "challenged" me to better adopt them. Do I feel better now? ABSOLUTELY.

  1. Forget the wifi

Ah, hyperconnection, I assure you, I plead guilty too! However, for this summer, let's try together to distance ourselves from social networks, promise to spend a dinner with friends without taking out your phone, savor the moment and engrave it in your heart rather than in your cell phone (anyway, between you and me, are you printing the photo? Well...)

  1. Give yourself time upon waking

Allowing your body to awaken slowly is a real gift. So we don't jump on our phone, or our coffee maker right away. Once you start the machine, the body has to face digestive, cerebral, emotional, and even auditory solicitations. So stretch, breathe, look outside or even.. go for a walk! Even 15 minutes, at my 9th month of pregnancy I am capable and I have made it a real ritual. Go try it! Go!

  1. Be generous with yourself

To better take care of others and to connect, we must first be generous with ourselves! Yes! Self-love is not just a trendy concept that we pull out on Valentine's Day! Pregnancy imposed it on me and I thank it. Let's rearrange our schedule by targeting our choices and real priorities more; it's strange the first time but I assure you: there is nothing like it to feel good (very good even!)

Mantra for our month of August: do things for us, without waiting for the proposals to come from the outside.

Thank you for reading,

See you soon,


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